To get the most out of your life coaching sessions it is best to spend several minutes preparing for it. Please e-mail or fax me the life coaching session preparation form at least 24 hours before our session.

Date of Session:_____________________________

Your Name:_________________________________

My Fax: (905) 944-1911 and E-mail:
(The email address is spam protected. Please register your email address).

1. What I have accomplished since our last session: my wins or victories

2. What I didn’t get done, but want to be held accountable for

3. What challenges (complaints, energy drainers) I am facing currently?

4. What I am appreciative of or grateful/thankful for?

5. What do I want to get out of the session today?

6. Once the session is complete, please write down what you have learned and what you intend to do as a result of our life coaching session. Then e-mail or fax a copy to me.

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